The odds are really good if you are starting out now or are in the beginning phases of training.
There is a current expected pilot shortage coming very soon and signs are already being seen in some areas. As the Vietnam era pilots reach retirement age or are forced to retire because of medical issues there simply are not enough young pilots coming in to replace them.
As this group leaves, the pilot rosters in the next couple of years there will be a defiant need for new commercial pilots.
This makes right now an ideal time to start a flying career. By the time you are done learning and ready to start a commercial pilot career there will be a need for you.
There will be bumps along the way to be ready for them. Another major recession or terrorist attack could cause the picture to momentarily be bleak. However, the ultimate demand is there and it will return.
The other variable in becoming a commercial pilot is you.
You need to take a good look at yourself and think if you are commercial pilot material.
Take some pilot lessons at the local airport to see how quickly you pick you flying, and how easily you understand the technical materials.
Go get a pilot aviation medical exam. Many local family doctors can do these for you for $100 or so. Get the First Class, which you need to be the captain on a commercial jet. This way you will know if you have any problems that might keep you from becoming a pilot.
Many people are surprised to learn they have medical problems that can keep them from flying professionally. It is better to know now rather than after starting an expensive college program.
If you are medically fit and can handle the flight training part of aviation there is no reason you can’t become a commercial airline pilot. If you are commit to aviation you are almost guaranteed to succeed.
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